This Article Contains Information Which is Vital to One’s Living and Progress; It Gives a Signal to the Person Concerned that There is Mankind
The writer shares his personal views about a number of issues regarding environment, technology, business, journalism, wealth, education, politics, victory, love, personality traits and spiritual matters. Besides, these are the focal points of efforts and overall upshots of experiences that redound to the observations, circumstances and self-expression medium and, at the same time, tremendously affect everybody's subsistence or day-to-day living, economic growth and development.
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Monday, January 30, 2012
Information is vital to one's living and progress
The essential macro-skills of communications
Listening is the most important skill in communication. It is a mental operation involving processing sound waves, interpreting their meaning, and storing their meaning in memory. It is a communication technique that requires the listeners to understand, interpret, and evaluate what they hear of. It paves the way for other skills to tower communicatively over the others because of its significance in terms of speech, confabs and freedom of expression. They serve as an approach to make everybody comprehend which is originally derived from the given talk or utterance. It is closely related to speaking and it enables the persons to soak in any information that is given to them; consequently, the information can be passed on to another party later on after the conversation. On the other hand, students will develop prediction and anticipation skills in listening. They will recall previous savvy or experience about the topic of the listening text before to the text, and will recall the cause-effect relationships in the listening text. Without listening, communication can also be crippled. It is vital and should be part mainly in communication.
Speaking is the act of talking to someone, of making an utterance with intentional and unintentional dealings, or of a discourse of a person who really speaks. It refers also to literary works and artistic communications that are composed of daily recitations, as ancient poetry and oral literature regardless of a language spoken by the people worldwide. Oral communication is a vicious cycle which always involves two persons or more: a decoder and an encoder; the message, the channel and the feedback. The teachers should create situations in which the learners could exercise their ability of oral expressions. Besides, in a blog release published online, it said speaking is one of the most direct and useful forms of communication. It said also two people can speak with each other yet still not be able to communicate anything - they could be speaking different languages. Speaking is used mainly when people are having face-to-face communication, but it can also be over the phone and now over technology such as webcams and video calling.
Reading is another important skill in communication. It is a multifaceted process involving word recognition, comprehension, fluency and motivation. Reading is the way a person gets information from written letters and words. Reading approach is also based on the philosophy and theories concerning the meaning, nature, and structure of reading. Further, it consists of a set of decisions to carry out an objective that results in a plan and its wise implementation. Many people think of reading as a skill that is taught once and for all in the first few years of school. Reading enables man to ponder the mysteries of the world, explore accumulated knowledge, and contemplate the unknown. All the enigmatic symbolisms will be divulged through reading. No one can question it because it gives emphasis to the importance of global communication. In the past, books and newspapers were the most commonly read items; now emails and text messages form a lot of normal day's communication activities.
By all accounts, writing means much more than using orthographic symbols. It is a thinking process which is characterized by a purposeful selection and organization of experience. It is an act of discovery, of communication, of joy. It connects us to work, to culture, to society, to existing knowledge, and to the meanings of our lives. Without it, poor communication will occur as far as written communication is concerned. It is the act of putting sentences together in connected discourse, but the main focus is on basic communicability. It is designed to give beginning learners the feeling that they are able to write and that what they write has a profound value. Most people rely on writing because they can't express themselves and it is better for them to write in order to fulfill their wishes to the persons they love or long for in order to communicate effectively. Writing is closely linked to reading as, like speaking and listening, they really work in harmony to ensure successful communication. Again language can be a potential barrier with writing. Writing activities consist of exposing the learners to diverse rhetorical forms through extensive reading and providing intensive practice in the actual writing or compositions. In conclusion to this, good writing can be taught by teachers who provide frequent and challenging chances or opportunities for writing to enable the learners to develop their skills and confidence.
The Multiple Intelligences
"In interpretative views and assessed intelligences, there are a lot of things that we have to take into account as far as Multiple Intelligences are concerned. It is true that the existence of individual differences is a fact. With billions of people in this universe, still no two individuals are alike. With these differences, we are going to focus on the study of intelligence. Intelligence cannot be observed directly. Many psychologists introduced theories of intelligence. In 1983, Dr. Howard Gardner of Harvard University introduced the theories of multiple intelligences which are considered unique in many ways and diverse with pluralistic views.”
Besides, the students of Minglanilla National Science High School and Guindaruhan National High School adhere to the utter "in-depth study" and engrossment of all the ways to come by Dr. Gardner's intelligences.They ensue with the 9 choices such as to prosper, to pan out, to succeed, to be contented, to explore, to attempt and to make them formidable in diverse ways of living--and these are the intelligences that vary also according to the capabilities, talents and inner desires to be shared among us.
1. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence indicates the capacity for inductive and deductive thinking and reasoning, including the use of numbers and the recognition of abstract patterns.
2. Linguistic Intelligence points out the ability to utilize words and language.
3. Visual/Spatial Intelligence is the ability to visualize objects and spatial dimensions, and create internal images and pictures.
4. Musical Intelligence signifies the ability to recognize tonal patterns and sounds, as well as a sensitivity to rhythms and beats.
5. Intra-Personal Intelligence refers to the spiritual, inner states of being, self-reflection, and awareness.
6. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence shows the wisdom of the body and the ability to control physical motion.
7. Inter-Personal Intelligence sets forth the capacity for person-to-person communications and relationships.
8. Naturalist Intelligence deals with the ability to engross with the love of nature or passion towards the environment or surroundings.
9. Spiritual Intelligence refers to various skills and abilities that empower you to live in harmony with your highest values and move unswervingly towards your life goals.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Conjecture: True or False! Homosexual offenders will not inherit the kingdom of God
Saturday, January 28, 2012
The complete macro-skills of communication
Speaking is the act of talking to someone, of making an utterance with intentional and unintentional dealings, or of a discourse of a person who really speaks. It refers also to literary works and artistic communications that are composed of daily recitations, as ancient poetry and oral literature regardless of a language spoken by the people worldwide. Oral communication is a vicious cycle which always involves two persons or more: a decoder and an encoder; the message, the channel and the feedback. The teachers should create situations in which the learners could exercise their ability of oral expressions. Besides, in a blog release published online, it said speaking is one of the most direct and useful forms of communication. It said also two people can speak with each other yet still not be able to communicate anything - they could be speaking different languages. Speaking is used mainly when people are having face-to-face communication, but it can also be over the phone and now over technology such as webcams and video calling.
Listening is the most important skill in communication. It is a mental operation involving processing sound waves, interpreting their meaning, and storing their meaning in memory. It is a communication technique that requires the listeners to understand, interpret, and evaluate what they hear of. It paves the way for other skills to tower communicatively over the others because of its significance in terms of speech, confabs and freedom of expression. They serve as an approach to make everybody comprehend which is originally derived from the given talk or utterance. It is closely related to speaking and it enables the persons to soak in any information that is given to them; consequently, the information can be passed on to another party later on after the conversation. On the other hand, students will develop prediction and anticipation skills in listening. They will recall previous savvy or experience about the topic of the listening text before to the text, and will recall the cause-effect relationships in the listening text. Without listening, communication can also be crippled. It is vital and should be part mainly in communication.
Reading is another important skill in communication. It is a multifaceted process involving word recognition, comprehension, fluency and motivation. Reading is the way a person gets information from written letters and words. Reading approach is also based on the philosophy and theories concerning the meaning, nature, and structure of reading. Further, it consists of a set of decisions to carry out an objective that results in a plan and its wise implementation. Many people think of reading as a skill that is taught once and for all in the first few years of school. Reading enables man to ponder the mysteries of the world, explore accumulated knowledge, and contemplate the unknown. All the enigmatic symbolisms will be divulged through reading. No one can question it because it gives emphasis to the importance of global communication. In the past, books and newspapers were the most commonly read items; now emails and text messages form a lot of normal day's communication activities.
By all accounts, writing means much more than using orthographic symbols. It is a thinking process which is characterized by a purposeful selection and organization of experience. It is an act of discovery, of communication, of joy. It connects us to work, to culture, to society, to existing knowledge, and to the meanings of our lives. Without it, poor communication will occur as far as written communication is concerned. It is the act of putting sentences together in connected discourse, but the main focus is on basic communicability. It is designed to give beginning learners the feeling that they are able to write and that what they write has a profound value. Most people rely on writing because they can’t express themselves and it is better for them to write in order to fulfill their wishes to the persons they love or long for in order to communicate effectively. Writing is closely linked to reading as, like speaking and listening, they really work in harmony to ensure successful communication. Again language can be a potential barrier with writing. Writing activities consist of exposing the learners to diverse rhetorical forms through extensive reading and providing intensive practice in the actual writing or compositions. In conclusion to this, good writing can be taught by teachers who provide frequent and challenging chances or opportunities for writing to enable the learners to develop their skills and confidence.
Viewing is one of the most important skills in communication because it is a way of portraying information in the database, thus giving more emphasis to the importance of mental faculty that allows a perceiver to delineate or give details about a target that is inaccessible to normal senses due to time, distance or shielding. Of all the skills in communication, viewing can help the global audiences watch their favorite shows either in movies or in televisions, as well as other forms of viewing devices. According to Center for Media Literacy, the literate reader, however, does not stop with converting printed words into ideas. He/she contemplates those ideas, and carries on an internal dialogue with the author, congratulating the latter for brilliant insights or condemning him/her for outrageous opinions. The literate TV viewer carries on a similar dialogue with the creators of a program, congratulating or condemning them for everything from the sublime to the ridiculous. At this point, reading and critical viewing, literacy and television literacy, become synonymous. Both the reader and the viewer learn to be active - to challenge, analyze, react, explore, and understand the medium, whether it's a printed page or an illuminated TV set.
Important Quotes for Teachers
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. ~William Arthur Ward. The best teacher is the one who suggests rather than dogmatizes, and inspires his listener with the wish to teach himself. ~Edward Bulwer-Lytton. A teacher's purpose is not to create students in his own image, but to develop students who can create their own image. ~Author Unknown. What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches. ~Karl Menninger. Teaching should be full of ideas instead of stuffed with facts. ~Author Unknown. The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate "apparently ordinary" people to unusual effort. The tough problem is not in identifying winners: it is in making winners out of ordinary people. ~K. Patricia Cross
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