The power to live life to the fullest is to provide temporal and spiritual stuffs to our loved ones and to take good care of them. It is a cycle of spiritual service that we can give forever to our families.
The power to live life to the fullest: Our God who represents the “Father and Son” has the spiritual form and the human form called “Man”—a cycle of spiritual service. There are things in life that we don’t know how to gauge according to our human minds. Even in the spiritual world, still we ask for in-depth analysis and measurement to find the truth—whether the path that we undertake is righteous and other path is abominable.
Trying to see the real world--the hassles and bustles of the modern technologies--wherein all of us live spiritually in the presence of The Almighty someday without skepticism within ourselves and the people that surround us. Our God who represents the “Father and the Son” has the spiritual form and the human form called “Man”--that we could not argue and gauge the true meaning of His existence.
God who is really the Man of all men has the perfect reason to preexist and exist in this mortal world. Any person who represents the wholeness of man is like our Omnipotent God. Thus, all the virtues come from Him, the Father in Heaven, who also gives forth His existence, power to live human life to the fullest with His infinite blessings.
Any human creature is called a “Man with Goodness.” He is the perfect man who has a strong determination with high confidence in his every action. He is a man who spends his life working all day long, a man who strives in every single minute of the day just to give contentment to his family. Each of us has this but some are not given the chances of having a man like this just to be part of their lives.
Do you know who that man is? He is called everybody’s FATHER in the family. To describe his wholeness of human being: a hardworking man, lovable father, a friendly buddy and a sweet husband, that’s why that man is really your father, and that’s what really your father is. He is everything for all of you as the head of the family. He finds ways and means, strives to experience the sweetest fruit of his labor, and attempts to continually struggle his life abroad for many years just to earn money for a living.
Every sweet he takes leads all to an average status of life. He never gives up on everybody in the family. He sacrifices in order for the family members to enjoy life with lots of luxurious stuffs. His sacrifice is a blessing to everyone despite hardships and trial in life---which he undertakes miserably while he is away from home. His sacrifice is also called a temporal service that he can offer to his family. And that is the greatness of man to sustain his family with dignity and pride.
For him, he is the man without skepticism, and to give service to others is a gift that needs to be treasured forever. It is a fundamental cycle to reach out for the welfare of the family and others as well as a basic principle to live each life to the fullest by helping them succeed in terms of physical, mental and social aspects.
As extracted from the article of SexyDoctorsWithPens, it is true that there is eternal life after death, and everything will be gauged according to one’s deed. The man, in implicit meanings, is a spiritual thing and a temporal thing at the same time. He is found in both spiritual and temporal aspects of life—a cycle of service. Everybody learns that there are a lot of blessings to come if we sincerely help others; in fact, in every religious denomination, we learn at all times that cooperation can help everyone participate and there is joy in serving others.
Temporal and spiritual services that we can offer to others…the SexyDoctorsWithPens also said each of us should be a friend to all, a servant to the church callings like doing a missionary work. We should be resorting to “all about service,” in general. We must show love and energy; besides, we serve as church and home teachers to those members and families who are in need of temporal and spiritual services. Our family members must assist us in doing such a noble act—to be actively involved in home teaching activities.
We must encourage others to go home teaching, make the appointments to visit the families, check up on them during the month and truly love them so much as we love ourselves. Any adherent of the gospel who is truly serving The Almighty will help us comprehend that we can find joy from the simplest things in our lives. Each of us has also shown and reminded of the spiritual things that are very important to mankind regardless of races. We should not be skeptical about the ability of those around us. The Omnipotent Being does not doubt our abilities, and neither should we.
Another example, as far as cycle of service is concerned, is to let others feel about your presence with them and, at the same time, extend help to them. Giving a thoughtful gift is significant to everybody’s life. By all accounts, there are things in this world that can’t be aided in monetary gifts. Extending such a spiritual service is the most important service that we can offer to mankind.
According to Rebekah Atkin, many people believe that it is the thought that counts when it comes to gift giving. Maybe that is because the thought behind the gift makes it more than just a useful or interesting object. Thus, it makes the gift a symbol of the gift-giver’s love or consideration for the recipient.
She said some gifts also mean more than the thought behind the gift; these kinds of gifts have a widely accepted symbolism that adds even more significance. When a gift has all three—practical utility, personal value and symbolic meaning—it may be the most thoughtful and appreciated gift of all.
A cycle of temporal service is the most gift that we can offer to those families who are really in need of help—it maybe financial help. By doing this service, our souls will be lightened or lessened with grief or tribulations. Whatever sorrows that we have experienced in this world, all of them will be replaced with manifold blessings and spiritual contentment from God.
A cycle of spiritual service only happens if a dedicated and devoted church member really teaches everything what he/she learns; in return, the one who is being taught reciprocates the same through his acquired knowledge with the other people in times of needs and difficulties in their lives.
To finally reiterate, God who is really the Man of all men has the perfect reason to preexist and exist in this mortal world. Any person who represents the wholeness of man is like our Omnipotent God. Thus, all the virtues come from Him, the Father in Heaven, who also gives forth His existence, power to live human life to the fullest with His infinite blessings. It is like a cycle of service to mankind!
"Metaphorically, morality can’t be judged according to one’s standard; it can be judged according to one’s action. Like this picture, it is so crystal, serene and clean but the depth within it is under question…"
Other situation or basis affecting everyone about morality is inevitable–your life and other life in doing immoral things that entail in day-to-day activities. Doing immoral acts is already a violation of the commandment of God, and it should be ceased at once without further question. Satan attacks the standards of modesty. He wants us to believe that our body is very beautiful and energetic.
According to the Holy Scripture, especially in 1 Corinthians 6:9, it says “Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God?” In this verse, it is very obvious that we should not be deceived by Satan to do evil things that can impede us from entering the kingdom of God. Human deception is the evil motto given universally to mankind for not believing in Satan’s words–neither the sexually immoral human beings nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders.
In Galatians 5:19, the acts of the sinful nature are very clear such as sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery … to the Israelites the Lord said, “Thou shall not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14). According to the scripture, those Israelites who broke this commandment were subject to severe penalties. The Lord has repeated this commandment in the latter days.
There are people who are immoral in the sight of God, but moral in the sight of man. Morality cannot be judged right away through actions that a person has been impulsively committed without thorough screening and proper validation by the authorities concerned. In fact, what is moral for us or for that country is immoral for the other people for that country. To the Israelites the Lord said, “Thou shall not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14). According to the scripture, those Israelites who broke this commandment were subject to severe penalties. The Lord has repeated this commandment in the latter days.
To reiterate and to stress out, other situation affecting everyone about morality is unavoidable–your life and other life in doing immoral things that include profoundly in daily activities. Doing such an immoral act is already a violation of the commandment of God, and it should be stopped at once without further question. Satan attacks the standards of modesty. He wants us to believe that our body is very beautiful and energetic.
According to the Holy Scripture, especially in 1 Corinthians 6:9, it says “Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God?” In this verse, it is very obvious that we should not be deceived by Satan to do evil things that can impede us from entering the kingdom of God. Human deception is the evil motto given universally to mankind for not believing in Satan’s words–neither the sexually immoral human beings nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders.
In Galatians 5:19, the acts of the sinful nature are very clear for the gospel adherents of the Omnipotent Being such as sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery. These immoral wordings and acts of human intervention even though the persons need further cleansing of their souls, not to be deceived by Satan’s tricks to commit inequities, can still find the place whose level of morality is at stake—unable to process the cleansing power for moral ascendancy.
Nowadays, modern people are opposite to the old ones when morality takes place as the ultimate subject for thorough discussion and ultimate solution based on divine laws by God, on the contrary to the positive laws of man. Moral value is very important to each one of us, young and old. This should be practiced at all times, and applied while we are still young.
Moral values derive from within one’s own self. Moral values are the standards of good and evil, which govern the individual’s behaviors and choices. Individual’s morals may derive from society and government, religion, or even oneself.
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