The writer shares his personal views about a number of issues regarding environment, technology, business, journalism, wealth, education, politics, victory, love, personality traits and spiritual matters. Besides, these are the focal points of efforts and overall upshots of experiences that redound to the observations, circumstances and self-expression medium and, at the same time, tremendously affect everybody's subsistence or day-to-day living, economic growth and development.
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Saturday, November 30, 2013
Effects on Education: The teacher cannot make the student learn but the former can have a tremendous influence on learning
As far as the roles of teacher are concerned, Gregorio expounded on the several roles that…since learning is an active process on the part of the learner, it is not possible for the teacher to learn for the student. In a very real sense, the teacher cannot make the student learn, but the former can have a tremendous influence on learning. The teacher can help stimulate or motivate the learner by bringing the latter to see the connection between the learning problem and some significant needs or interests of the student. The teacher can help the learner make those reactions which are to be learned, and help the learner obtain the appropriate reaction by guiding his thinking through questions that focus attention on particular aspects of the problem which might otherwise be overlooked. Thus, the teacher may have a great influence by helping the learner get satisfaction from the right source of reactions. As the desired behavior is reiterated over and over, adequate practice can be provided and progress made toward a high level of learning.
According to Albert Einstein, this educational crippling of individuals I consider the worst evil of capitalism. Our whole educational system suffers from this evil. An exaggerated competitive attitude is inculcated into the student, who is trained to worship acquisitive success as a preparation for his future career. I am convinced there is only one way to eliminate these grave evils, namely through the establishment of a socialist economy, accompanied by a educational system which would be oriented toward social goals. In such an economy, the means of production are owned by society itself and are utilized in a planned fashion. A planned economy, which adjusts production to the needs of the community, would distribute the work to be done among all those able to work and would guarantee a livelihood to every man, woman and child. The education of the individual, in addition to promoting his own innate abilities, would attempt to develop in him a sense of responsibility for his fellow-men in place of the glorification of power and success in our present society.
Five fundamental principles of teaching
Principles of teaching should be stressed out in order to be aware of the positive outlooks, teaching-learning situation, and efficiency at all times in classroom activities. Furthermore, the principles of teaching are stipulated herein by the various authors in the teaching profession, thus giving emphasis to the importance of five principles of teaching: 1) respect for the individual; 2) democracy as a way of life; 3) providing suitable conditions for the development and maintenance of a sound personality; 4) improving group living in the classroom; and 5) improving the classroom environment.
Through these principles, an effective teacher must have the best approach of teaching that gives him the nature by imparting knowledge to the students with dynamism and right strategy in class or method of teaching. It points out how a lesson is to be developed, and to be technically formulated in order for the students to take part and to pave the way for effective learning processes with the extent of participation in a classroom setting.
Forget about the consequences of failures!
If there’s a failure in life, consider it
As part of your daily routine doing household chores
Without the rules to follow.
You can’t have any success
Unless you accept failure.
Failure changes a person to be better.
Nothing fails like success
Because we don’t learn from it.
We learn from failure.
Agree or disagree?
Individual and group writing contests will carry the journalism conference theme: “Freedom of Expression: Rights and Responsibility"
What is Filipino version of chamber theatre?
Here are the samples of full and semi versions of Filipino Chamber Theatre that really give emphasis to the importance of a genre and a literary chic used as a theatrical approach to performing narrative literature. The 4th year students of Professional Academy of the Philippines (PAP) in Cebu have rendered fully the Filipino version of Chamber Theatre based on adapting literary works to the stage using a maximal amount of the work's original text and often minimal and suggestive settings. Observe how they categorically interpret and perform on stage. Enjoy and watch the sui generis Chamber Theatre.
School Paper Blog: Exclusive Blog for Students and Teachers
L’éducation aux Philippines est différente de l’éducation en France
J’ai vécu dans une famille d’accueil, près de l’Institut de Touraine où j’ai suivi une formation en français.
Pour moi, tous les cours proposés étaient intéressants et les professeurs excellents ! L’échange avec les professeurs était agréable et je les ai beaucoup appréciés, même si nous étions en total désaccord sur presque tous les sujets ! Selon moi, l’éducation aux Philippines est différente de l’éducation en France. Chaque classe est étroitement surveillée par le professeur ! Les professeurs nous ont donné une grande quantité d’exercices et un programme très chargé pour progresser rapidement en un mois. Le programme proposé était varié : ateliers d’écriture, cours de grammaire, de phonétique, compréhension orale, etc.
Filipino Customs and Traditions
Philippines is now facing financial crises
Code of Ethics in Philippine Journalism
What a great experience in Tours, France!
Breaking News: Widespread damage in the Philippines
Church partners in the Philippines respond ecumenically to Super Typhoon Haiyan. The Episcopal Church in the Philippines (ECP) is organizing its network of community and farmers’ groups in the northern part of the country to produce food for Super Typhoon Haiyan relief efforts in the hard-hit central region around Tacloban and Samar.
The Church’s relief activities are part of Operation Paglingap, an initiative of the National Council of Churches in the Philippines, of which ECP is a member. ECP staff emphasize that although the Church is actively participating in emergency relief, its most significant efforts will be in the short- and long-term recovery phases, after first-response organizations have finished their work.
According to Radio New Zealand News, millions of people have fled to safer ground or are taking refuge in shelters. Authorities have warned that more than 12 million people are at risk from Typhoon Haiyan.
Communications are down in some of the areas that were worst hit by the category 5 storm early on Friday morning.
There is particular concern about the city of Guiuan, with a population of 47,000, which was the first in line when Haiyan made landfall, the ABC reports.
The typhoon has since been tracking east to west across the central Philippines, causing widespread damage.
Sustained winds of up to 315km/h have brought down powerlines and trees. Many buildings have lost their roofs and some houses have been destroyed.
The Washington Post reported that one of the most powerful typhoons ever to make landfall crashed into the central Philippines on Friday, causing widespread damage and some loss of life, but the colossal storm’s speed may have spared the island nation an even worse fate.
Typhoon Haiyan’s heavy winds and huge storm surge killed a lot of people, according to unofficial reports monitored by the Philippine Embassy in Washington, said Ambassador Jose L. Cuisia Jr. The Filipino government has confirmed deaths, he said. Damage was widespread but impossible to estimate with communication cut off to islands such as Samar, Leyte, Cebu and Panay in the path of the huge storm, but search and rescue efforts had begun, Cuisia said.
SunStar reported that official death toll from Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) that ravaged Central Philippines last week jumped to almost 4,000, based on the latest report of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC).
NDRRMC Executive Director Eduardo del Rosario said that based on the disaster bureau's 6 p.m. update on Monday, the death toll has risen to 3,976. Eastern Visayas reported 3,725 deaths. Around 1,602 are still missing and 18,175 were reported injured.
The total cost of damage in Yolanda-hit regions have reached P10,384,690,061 with the agriculture sector suffering the largest lost at P9,089,181,461.00.
Philippines News.Net reported that EU mobilizes P600M for Yolanda victims. 'Yolanda' flattens Guiuan, Samar. Almost all structures in Guiuan, Eastern Samar were either damaged or flattened by super typhoon Yolanda on November 8 as seen in the aerial photo taken from a PAF helicopter on Sunday, November 10. Yolanda made its first landfall in Guiuan.
The European Union on Monday said it has mobilized P600 million in humanitarian assistance to the Philippines for the areas ravaged by Typhoon Yolanda. EU Development Commissioner Andris Piebalgs said he convened an emergency meeting with EU ambassadors in Manila to discuss the extent of the devastation.
Super Typhoon Haiyan Update: Foreign governments offer money, equipment, etc. to help the victims rebuild their lives
1. Australia has pledged Aus$10 million dollars (US$9.38 million), of which Aus$4 million will go to the United Nations global appeal and Aus$3 million for Australian non-government organizations;
2. Britain has offered an emergency support package worth US$9.6 million;
3. Canada has pledged up to US$5 million to humanitarian organizations trying to help survivors in the Philippines;
4. The Red Cross of China has initially given US$100,000 as emergency humanitarian aid to support relief efforts;
5. The European Union has given three million euros (US$4 million) toward relief efforts;
6. Germany's embassy in Manila said it has an initial shipment of 23 tons of aid was being flown in and German rescue teams were already at work;
7. Japan is sending a 24-member medical team from its Japan Disaster Relief (JDR). Earlier, two personnel from its Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Japan International Cooperation Agency arrived in the Philippines on November 10 to assess the damage;
8. New Zealand, which chipped in US$124,000 earlier, has increased its humanitarian relief, bringing its total to NZ$2.15 million (US$1.78 million);
9. Prince Talal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia, through the Arab Gulf Program for Development (AGFUND), has pledged US$100,000;
10. Singapore will donate 50,000 Singapore dollars (US$ 40,000) through the Singapore Red Cross to support relief efforts in the Philippines;
11. Taiwan's government has pledged immediate cash aid of US$200,000;
12. Turkey is expected to send 90 tons of relief supplies; His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates said it has initiated a $10-million donation to the Philippines;
13. The United States military is sending personnel and equipment. Some 90 Marines and sailors, and two KC-130J Hercules aircraft, left Japan for the Philippines on Saturday, with equipment including tilt-rotor aircraft which can operate without runways; and
14. Vietnam is donating emergency aid worth US$100,000 and will continue to consider practical support measures within its capacity.
To give emphasis to the importance of humanitarian aid, to summarize and account for relief goods and financial support from the other countries, SunStar Manila has listed down those countries that have made offers of assistance:
1. Australia – financial aid
2. Belgium – medics, rapid response team, search and rescue personnel
3. Canada – financial aid; in-kind donations
4. China – financial aid
5. Denmark – financial aid
6. Finland – in-kind donations
7. Germany - in-kind donations, medics, rapid response team, search and rescue personnel
8. Hungary – medics, rapid response team, search and rescue personnel
9. Indonesia – in-kind donations
10. Israel – medics, rapid response team, search and rescue personnel
11. Japan – medics, rapid response team, search and rescue personnel
12. Malaysia – medics, rapid response team, search and rescue personnel, supplies
13. The Netherlands – financial aid
14. New Zealand – financial aid
15. Norway – financial aid
16. Russia – medics, rapid response team, search and rescue personnel
17. Singapore – financial aid
18. Spain – in-kind donations
19. Sweden – financial aid
20. Turkey – in-kind donations, medics, rapid response team, search and rescue personnel
21. United Arab Emirates – financial aid
22. United Kingdom – financial aid
23. United States of America - financial aid, deployment of ships and aircrafts, medics rapid response team, search and rescue personnel
As of press time, there are still pledges and incoming financial aids from different countries, especially the presidents who are willing to help wholeheartedly those victims in Super Typhoon Yolanda.
Latest Update: Relief goods continue flooding in the affected areas
BBC reported despite the increased aid effort, many survivors still badly need food, water and shelter, aid officials say.
There has been criticism of relief efforts, as the damage to transport links and bad weather are hindering distribution of relief supplies.
However, Philippine Interior Minister Mar Roxas told the BBC that relief efforts were on track.
According to CNN, desperation grew among Filipinos who've been without electricity or shelter for more than a week since Super Typhoon Haiyan reduced homes to splinters, prompting the military to alter rescue maneuvers, an official said Saturday.
"People swarm the helicopters, so we land the helicopters a little bit farther from the population areas," said Maj. Gen. Romer Poquiz of the Philippine Air Force. "So before the people come in, we would take off, go and drop in other places, drop and then go, drop, go, drop, go, at various places."
Several countries, including the U.S. military, continued to assist Philippine authorities in a massive relief effort of delivering food and water to the devastated swaths of the archipelago. The central government is being criticized for a slow and disorganized response to what all agree is a catastrophic disaster.
SunStar Dumaguete reported the non-government organization Oriental Negros Children’s Advocacy Network (Oncan) delivered another batch of food, clothing and household items for the victims of Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) in Eastern Samar.
Oncan president Marietta Jambora told Sun.Star that the relief goods were shipped out Tuesday evening via Roll-on, Roll-off (Roro) Cokaliong Lines. Jambora said the nine-ton goods are intended for 1,707 families.
She said they sent the first batch of goods, about 15 tons, to Tacloban City on November 23 via a C130 plane of the Philippine Air Force on November 23. The shipment, she added, was made in cooperation with mthe 302nd Infantry Brigade of the Philippine Army.
SunStar Cebu also reported as more foreign aid pours into the Philippines, local government units in southern Cebu yesterday brought assistance to areas in the north, which were devastated by super typhoon Yolanda.
Among the foreign donors was the Chinese Government, which donated tents and cash despite its territorial conflict with the Philippines.
The Cebu Provincial Government, on the other hand, received US$500,000 worth of medicines from the Israeli Government, which sent a medical team to the Severo Virallo Memorial Hospital in Bogo City to treat typhoon survivors.
On the other hand, Philippine Daily Inquirer reported the death toll from Super typhoon “Yolanda” (international name: Haiyan) is now at 5,632, the National Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) said Saturday.
The number of typhoon fatalities is expected to rise as 1, 759 people remain missing and at least 26, 136 others were wounded after “Yolanda” flattened entire communities in the Visayas early this month, the NDRRMC said.
A total of 1,168,909 houses were damaged, with 582,827 totally destroyed and 586,082 partially damaged, affecting over three million families from 12,014 barangays affected by the monster typhoon, it said.
In its latest report, the disaster management agency said the cost of damage wrought by the typhoon has reached P30.6 billion–P14.9 billion to infrastructure and P15.6 billion to agriculture. The government and aid agencies have shelled out P708 million worth of relief assistance to the affected families.
PDI stressed out the total foreign aid pledges, according to the government’s Foreign Aid Transparency Hub(FAiTH) , have reached P18,206,646,580.80 while the total foreign aid received is at P532,641,084.55.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Structured Lessons in Writing
Lesson 1: Work with a partner. Go over the useful expressions in the box. Without looking at the list, write what the leader can say when the following situations occur during an open forum, symposium, or even just a group discussion in class.
Lesson 2: Build sentences around the following headwords using the given cues by using single-word or compound adjectives.
Lesson 3: Complete each sentence with the correct word from the given set. Give the equivalent phonetic symbol of the underlined letter combination.
Lesson 4: The words found after each key word are its synonyms and antonyms. Guided by the key word, select and group the synonyms and antonyms separately. Write also the equivalent phonetic symbol of the underlined letter combination.
Lesson 5: Complete the words in the following sentences by adding -ar, -er, or or when they are deemed necessary.
Lesson 6: Choose one of five passages that follow. Mark the places where you should normally pause: a single diagonal line (/) for a short pause, double diagonal lines (//) for a final pause. Mark the words you don't know how to pronounce. Consult a dictionary and pronounce them accurately. Practice reading aloud the passage of your choice. Be ready to read it to your teacher individually for grading.
Lesson 7: Prepare a report about any aspect of the life and culture of any of these countries: China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand. Prepare visual aids (drawings, pictures, transparencies for an overhead projector) for a more effective presentation and delivery of your
report. Observe the steps to take in preparing reports. Likewise, prepare to write and deliver an oral report on any of the types of literature (epics, folklore, poetry, the short story, the novel).
Structured Lessons in Listening
Lesson 1: Listen to your teacher read each question and pick out the parts of the intonation contour. Intonation is also used to indicate whether one is asking a question or making a statement. Listen to your teacher read each item: first, asking a question; second, making a statement using the same word (s). Listen again and repeat the intonation that your teacher used.
Lesson 2: Here's a selection. Divide the class into three (3) groups. Let each group assign a reader of this selection and ask the recorders to write on the board with the mispronounced words.
Lesson 3: Listen to your teacher read the sentences that follow. While he reads and, at the same time, takes note how the underlined words are pronounced and how they are marked. Be ready to answer these questions: What part of the underlined word has the primary stress? What syllable has the primary stress in intensive-reflexive pronouns?
Lesson 4: The students' performance in the production of the /I/ or /ε/ sound was very poor inasmuch as it is absent from the students' local dialect. Have a minimal pair drill.
Lesson 5: Listen to the teacher as he reads the selection, and list down all the words containing the /iy/, /I/ and /ε/ sounds. See that you produce the vowel sounds correctly. Also, observe pausing, blending, and intonation for correct English rhythm. Divide the class into three (3) teams and see whether each team has accurately made the list complete.
Lesson 6: Have a minimal pair drill of /iy/ and /I/, /ε/ and /ey/, /ε/ and /æ/, /a/ and /æ/, /æ/ and /^/, /uw/ and /u/, /ow/ and /כ/. Follow the same sounds with other phonetic symbols in the vowel triangle.
Structured Lessons in Speaking and Reading
Lesson 1: Practice saying the following phrases first using the /ey/ and /I/, then do the sentence substitution drill. Read also the following sentences carefully, pronouncing vowel sounds correctly. Mark the syllables of words where you would find the schwa sound instead of the vowel sound.
Lesson 2: Read silently the following paragraphs, then speak out or discuss the questions using the expressions in giving opinions, agreeing, and disagreeing.
Lesson 3: Read the following sentences clearly distinguishing /iy/ from /I/. Observe correct blending, phrasing, and intonation for more effective speech. Read the following stanzas for more practice.
Lesson 4: Answer the 5 sentences or groups of sentences. Each of them has a new word. Each also has a clue to the meaning of the new word.
Lesson 5: Read the word next to the number in column A. Read all the words in column B. For each word in column A find an answer in column B that means the same or almost the same. In the space next to the word in column A, write the correct letter from column B.
Lesson 6: Read the selection silently. Do you agree with the title that we are what we think?
Lesson 7: The teacher reads the poem entitled "Open-End Quality" by Lilia Lopez-Chua, then the students read the poem themselves. Enunciation is strictly observed by reading this poem.
Types of tests for students in English
1. The blue scarf will (complement, compliment) your new suit.
2. The (aisle, isle) is located somewhere in the middle of South
China Sea.
3. Students flock in the bookstores to buy (stationary,
4. We suggest that you (council, counsel) her concerning her behavior.
5. The church law is better known as the (cannon, canon) law.
6. They knew how to grind the (colonel, kernel) into oats.
7. We were (altogether, all together) again during the silver
jubilee of our class reunion.
8. Her (childish, childlike) countenance will win the admiration
of the boys.
9. If you want to know the value of this ring, let him (appraise,
apprise) it.
10. I fear the (claw, clause) of a monkey.
How to teach foreign language and propagate cultural diversities to Filipinos
Guindaruhan National High School, upon special consent and permit from DepEd-NCR to transfer the teaching and learning French language, will cater the special program for foreign language to selected 3rd year and 4th year students hopefully by next year for the gradual transitions from one station to another station and from MNSHS students to GNHS students. French language will be taught by the school head Dr. Ermetes F. Adolfo, Jr.
A paragraph presentation of research methodology
A paragraph presentation of research design
A 2-paragraph presentation of research environment
A 3-paragraph presentation of research respondents
A 3-paragraph presentation of research instruments
How to determine the efficacy and interventions of teaching-learning process between the respondents and teacher
The three components of language
Monday, November 25, 2013
The 5 videos entitled "We are the world for Philippines" encourage the people from around the world to donate or give what they have...
To make each video as an encouragement to people to open their hearts, lend a helping hand and to thank the nations that offered aid to our country. WE ARE FOREVER GRATEFUL.To our fellow Filipinos, STAY STRONG! United we stand! BANGON VISAYAS! WALANG IWANAN!
Super Typhoon Yolanda has stricken the entire region, especially in the Visayas, in order to uplift the morale of each Filipino, the song entitled "We are the world for Philippines" relieves the pain for each victim who suffered a lot...after the aftermath of the typhoon.
We have the incoming relief. Aid workers and relief supplies are being poured into eastern provinces hit by Typhoon Haiyan, which aid agencies and officials estimated has left thousands dead and staggering destruction in its wake.
How a "slum" girl puts herself on a level with the highest lady in the land
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Chamber theatre is a theatrical approach to performing narrative literature
In the article, it said that Professor Robert S. Breen (1909-1991) introduced "Chamber Theater" to his Oral Interpretation Classes at Northwestern University in 1947. Northwestern’s Professor of Performance Studies Frank Galati, who studied Chamber Theater with Dr. Breen, has directed highly acclaimed Chamber Theater Productions for the Goodman Theater and Steppenwolf Theater Companies in Chicago. Galati’s Chamber Theater adaptation of John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath won two Tony Awards on Broadway. One of the most famous and elaborate examples of chamber theatre is David Edgar's The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby, in which Charles Dickens' characters narrate themselves in third person. Set pieces are carried in and taken away during the performance, rather than between scenes, and objects may be represented in a mimetic manner. Another example is Matthew Spangler's stage adaptation of Khaled Hosseini's novel The Kite Runner.
The Filipino Chamber Theatre version really gives emphasis to the importance of a genre and a literary chic used as a theatrical approach to performing narrative literature. The 4th year students of Professional Academy of the Philippines (PAP) in Cebu have rendered fully the Filipino version of Chamber Theatre based on adapting literary works to the stage using a maximal amount of the work's original text and often minimal and suggestive settings. Observe how they categorically interpret and perform on stage. Enjoy and watch the sui generis Chamber Theatre…
Friday, November 8, 2013
A Correlative Study of the Mental Ability and Language Achievement
It is also supported by Gabison (1991) in her study entitled "A Correlative Study of the Mental Ability and Language Achievement," it is worth-noting that these structural lessons are dependent upon the data gathered from the language inventory tests responded to by the learners. For theoretical specificity, these structural lessons consider the four (4) areas of English language teaching, namely: listening, speaking, reading and writing as sequenced in the lessons. The lessons are more on the difficulties and needs of the freshmen as identified by the students and their teachers. Those studying English may be aware of the importance of oral and written communications. The students who are second speakers of the English language expend their efforts to acquire proficiency in this particular language.
Students need to be able to communicate orally. That is, a learner needs to comprehend each other; if speech is unintelligible, the act of communication, needless to say, has failed. The student who is to receive the message fails to respond inappropriately. Thus, it is very important that one should learn to speak as intelligible as possible - not necessarily like native speakers - but well and clear enough to be understood. Communication needs constant practice despite the barrier of the language made culturally diverse from the others. Difficulty of the language is inevitable on the learner who is not native speaker of the language. That's why structured English lessons are a must in the step-by-step study and in-depth analysis done by the students themselves in order to pan out both in oral and written communications in English (Navarro, 2001).
The use of language as an instrument to achieve freedom and justice
According to Education Secretary Armin Luistro, the month-long celebration of the national language is divided into five parts. From August 1 to 7, the focus is in giving importance to the national language which will be highlighted by taking to heart the lyrics of the national anthem.
"I think this generation has to revisit and better appreciate the significance of every word and the depth of nationalism embodied in our national anthem," said Luistro.
In a press release sent out a few weeks ago, DepEd said from August 8 to 14, the highlight is on the importance of the national language in enforcing discipline that will lead to national development. For this, the text of the pledge of allegiance to the Philippine flag will be dissected and put to heart. The schools are encouraged to stage plays and writing contests that emphasize why discipline is important in achieving progress.
On August 15 to 21, the theme is the use of language as an instrument to achieve freedom and justice. Schools are encouraged to conduct a symposium on the history of the country's struggle for freedom and the holding of debate following the theme "Ang Kahalagahan ng Wika sa Larangan ng Katarungan."
For the week of August 22 to 28, the theme is "Wikang Filipino: Tugon sa Malinaw na Programa sa Tuwid na Landas." The week will be about composing songs and writing poetry on the programs being pursued by the government such as caring for the environment, cleanliness and promotion of national language.
The remaining days of August will be anchored on the celebration of the Filipino language as the voice of teachers, students, and the language of heroism.
Luistro said this will be observed by celebrating the ideals by which our national hero Dr. Jose Rizal lived and died for the motherland. Schools are also expected to come up with programs that will make students understand why the language is the light and strength of a nation.
Poem: We should be strong and ask God when we have problems
As the saying goes, "It is not at all times we are sad"
It is not at all times there is peace
It is not at all times there is war
It is not at all times that we work out our problems
But, it is not wrong to keep on trying our best in order to attain our goals
For life has its own balance
Just remember the world is round and it will not stop revolving
Life is a mysterious gift that God, our creator, has given to us
Life is a passion and it gives hope to everyone who lives righteously with God
For life itself has its own balance
We should never mess it up.
National presscon problems crowd the thoughts of campus journalists
Many challenges cram the nooks and crannies of the school paper business. From writing techniques to financial considerations, problems crowd the thoughts of campus journalists. How these things are resolved will likewise vary from case to case basis. But, in this scenario, the attitude remains the same! The seminar has provided with a venue for these attitudes and traits to be developed; inevitably, many of the challenges that "scribes" have encountered become less tough to deal with.
Being prolific in every endeavor, and being generally useful as what people may say, the seminar becomes an avenue not only for personal development, but also for improvement of society as a whole. It is in these conferences that the youth are motivated to become God-loving and socially responsible citizens of the country.
On the other hand, it's high time for the youth to think that this campus journalism delegation has provided everyone with an opportunity to improve communication skills the most. Interacting with rural and urban youth of today's generation, and in addition to trying to create relationships with the other mentors of the teaching profession have provided with a wonderful experience in cross-cultural communication and dialogue within Philippine territories. The workshops are incredibly helpful in terms of initiating this process. As a result of the workshop time in Teachers' Camp, everyone feels like he/she is much more able to write and communicate effectively and respectfully.
In conclusion, the Department of Education should promote the regular occurrence of these academically-oriented forums. The future success of the country is dependent upon the youth's outlook of life, so it wouldn't be better for them to develop into more productive citizens while the time copiously allows them with vital parts of the efforts to improve the youth's lives and help shape the present society.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Let's build a strong foundation for the kids' future
They possessed characteristics such as punctuality and enthusiasm, intelligence, good physical and mental health, loyalty and commitment, respect for the dignity of the individual, fair level of tolerance, good professional and human relations, good moral and ethical character, leadership and followership, and most of all love for children.
Let's celebrate the days of preschool recognition and success and always prepare for the challenges that meet each of our children as they venture through life. For although we may consciously make the most positive decisions in day-to-day struggles in their preschool studies, you and I know that there will always be hard days for them and for all of us parents.
It is during the times of success that the kids will stay and enjoy, will know their teachers' names. And it is also during funny times of competition that the preschoolers and parents will know each character. To our children who enrolled in a competitive primary learning institution, you are now the recipients of this school year with various academic awards and you are equipped to take on the world of preschool recognition and achievements.
Your life is now your destiny. In fact, a competitive preschool education will not impose deadlines but give constant learning struggles to achieve. In my point of view, whether we like it or not, your preschool life is yours to create.
We have simply built a strong foundation for the kids' future, so you must single out a "preschool" that offers competitive learning and can independently design and shape one's character--building your child's character just to be submissive, but competitive in a righteous manner.
Public school commences with effective management, curriculum implementation and instructional delivery
Target language revolves in stratified contemporary levels of educational system
Important Quotes for Teachers
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. ~William Arthur Ward. The best teacher is the one who suggests rather than dogmatizes, and inspires his listener with the wish to teach himself. ~Edward Bulwer-Lytton. A teacher's purpose is not to create students in his own image, but to develop students who can create their own image. ~Author Unknown. What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches. ~Karl Menninger. Teaching should be full of ideas instead of stuffed with facts. ~Author Unknown. The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate "apparently ordinary" people to unusual effort. The tough problem is not in identifying winners: it is in making winners out of ordinary people. ~K. Patricia Cross
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