… along with the Profile of a Mentor
Dr. Ermetes F. Adolfo, Jr.
English Festival
English festival on the campus paves the way to its culminating program in the Municipal Level and its exposure through the hidden talents of students. They ought to be harnessed and uncovered in order for them to be competitive not only in written communication but also in oral communication in English. It can’t be denied that the target language is the universal language. The students must practice speaking English wherever they go and whatever they do. They must study the English grammar very hard.
ONE ACT PLAY. The selected students from 4th year section presented a "1-act play" showdown and made their dramatic scene to be acted out according to their roles and interpretive ways based on exposition (characters, setting, language, style), involution, climax, falling action and denouement. |
The holding of the Secondary Schools’ English Festival is indispensable in every school within Cebu Province Division. It does not take place only in the province but also in the neighboring cities wherein everybody must feel the presence and boost the morale, especially the students of Minglanilla National Science High School for the common good.
READING CONCERT. The 4th year students who were the active participants of the reading concert like reading a poem with correct enunciation and accent of words in every line of the stanza. Others read also a short essay with blending of voices. |
Dr. Arden D. Monisit of Cebu Province and Director Recaredo Borgonia of Region 7 said that the objectives of English festival are to hone students’ abilities to speak and write constantly in English, to provide students with opportunities to use the English language in various situations, and to give due recognition to those who excel in different competitions to be held during 1 week celebration and culminating program.
CHAMBER THEATRE. The selected Mingscians who made a unique interpretation of classical play did their best to achieve dramatic victory. In this play performance, each character was tasked to act out based on its variety of dialogues to utter and figuratively stress out. Part of the chamber theater presentation was the narration of the character. |
Following the DepEd memorandum, English coordinator Dr. Ermetes F. Adolfo, Jr. said each student on the campus must strengthen the use of English and speak it inside and outside of the school premises.
SHOW CHOIR. The 4th year students sang and danced together for the show choir presentation. They interpreted the melodious songs and rock songs with "dance-moves" showdown gyrating their bodies from "here and there" without limits from classical to modernized songs following the trends coming from the airwaves, especially from the radios and televisions. |
INTERPRETATIVE JAZZ CHANT. The 2nd year students who actively joined in interpretative jazz chant competition were stringently tasked to compose a sound of the poem and interpreted it by free gestures, body movements, clapping of hands, dramatic actions, etc. |
He said diverse categories for the contests are chamber theatre, debate, declamation, oration, essay writing, extemporaneous/impromptu speaking, lexicon/word search, news casting, one-act play, two-act play and three-act play, poetry writing, reader’s theatre, scrabble fest, slogan-making, speech choir, spelling bee, story-telling, heavy drama/comical stage play, grammar quiz, literature quiz, school paper contests such as news writing, feature writing, sports writing, editorial writing, editorial cartooning, copy-editing, and photojournalism.
Professional Profile
DR. ERMETES F. ADOLFO, JR. graduated with the degree of Doctor of Education major in Educational Management from Southwestern University. He has years of professional and academic teaching experience, ranging from jobs as high school teacher, college instructor, adviser, facilitator and speaker with seminars spearheaded by Department of Education and Commission on Higher Education to his latest positions as Head of the English Department of Minglanilla National Science High School and District English Coordinator of the Municipality of Minglanilla, Division of Cebu-Province.
Dr. Adolfo is a consummate educator, with a love for the potential and impact of educational management; he is also an innovative teacher, with a devotion to education and teaching. Finally, he is a consultant of the student body organization, an adviser of the campus paper, and a career educational development guru. Being a doctorate degree holder is not enough for him. He continues his studies, and doubles his doctorate degree. His motto in life is that “One must never cease learning while he is still alive." That’s why he takes up another doctorate degree, Doctor of Philosophy in English with concentrations in Language and Literature in one of the prestigious universities in Cebu.
Academic/Teaching Experience
As far as academic experience is concerned, Dr. Adolfo has experienced teaching in various schools in Cebu City and Cebu Province from secondary to tertiary levels. The subjects that have been taught by him are as follows:
College Instructor, University of the Visayas-Minglanilla Campus, Tiber, Minglanilla, Cebu, 2000-2005
· Demonstrated versatility and ability by teaching different courses with major and minor English subjects. Teaching assignments: Study and Thinking Skills, Remedial English, Speech Improvement Lessons, English Communication Skills, Effective Writing, Developmental Reading, Structure of English, Introduction to Linguistics, Teaching English as a Second Language, Reading Remediation, Reading in the Elementary Grades, Interactive English, Afro-Asian Literature, Mythology and Folklore, Children’s Literature, British and American Literature, Play Production, and World Literature.
· Developed, planned and produced standards with effective lesson presentations and teaching strategies. Primary teaching areas: Principles and Methods of Teaching, Teaching Strategies I (Communication Arts in English and Filipino), Teaching Strategies II (Civics and Culture, Values Education, etc.), Teaching Strategies in English, Educational Technology, and Research.
· Handled public relations’ functions of college; at the same time, developed and published external newsletters and magazines.
District English Coordinator, Public Secondary Schools, Municipality of Minglanilla, Districts I and II, Division of Cebu-Province, 2005-Present
- Coordinate with English teachers who are appointed English Department Heads in the Municipality of Minglanilla Public Secondary Schools, Districts I and II.
- Make a follow-up regarding the English activities released thru memos issued by the Schools Division Superintendent.
- Organize/plan seminar-workshops, along with the Division Coordinator in English.
- Conduct and lead district meetings apropos the lined-up activities spearheaded by DepEd.
- Assist in making a school publication or a campus paper either in newsletter or magazine form.
- Consult with other specialist service providers and community liaison personnel in facilitating English communication between the school and its community.
English Teacher, The Sisters of Mary Boystown Complex, Tungkop, Minglanilla, Cebu, April 13, 1999 to December 15, 1999
- Participated in setting language and literature objectives for department.
- Taught language to freshmen students from pilot to lowest sections as their formative years.
- Produced strategic educational plans for English Department’s major linguistic categories.
- Assisted language teachers on research, presentations, and English Department activities.
English Crash Course Teacher, Alliance Francaise de Cebu, Fuente Osmeña, Cebu City, 1991-1993
- Assisted in editing English translation taken from documents and other French materials.
- Taught partly basic French to English with rehearsed lessons given by authorized native French teacher and Alliance Francaise de Manille foreign academic managers.
- Acted as an institution’s administrator (Cebu-based) and served as a part-time teacher in English crash course.
Training Programs/In-Service Trainings
He is a mentor equipped with a vast repertoire of experiences, especially in the training programs or in-service trainings. Said trainings are as follows:
· “Breaking Barriers: Understanding and Appreciating Cultural Diversity,” Southwestern University, Urgello St., Cebu City, February 3, 2007
· “Business Etiquette,” Southwestern University, Urgello St., Cebu City, November 25, 2007
· “Enhancing Communicative Language Competence,” Southwestern University, Urgello St., Cebu City, September 30, 2006
· “Seminar-Workshop on Photo Journalism,” Southwestern University, Urgello St., Cebu City, September 18, 2006
· “Seminar-Workshop on Journalistic Writing,” Southwestern University, Urgello St., Cebu City, September 2, 2006
· “Seminar on Campus Paper Advising,” Southwestern University, Urgello St., Cebu City, September 2, 2006
· “National Seminar-Workshop on Language Teaching,” Southeast Center for Training and Development,” Fuente Osmeña, Cebu City, May 18-19, 2006
· “Seminar-Workshop on Fusion: A Look Into Journalism’s Basics and New Trends,” UPV-Mass Communication Program/OCEP, Lahug, Cebu City, March 9-10, 2006
· “Seminar-Workshop on Thesis and Dissertation to Refereed Journal Publication,” The Philippine Association for Graduate Education (PAGE), Southwestern University, Urgello St., Cebu City, February 4, 2006
· “In-Service Training Program for Teachers in English, Mathematics, and Science-Level IV,” DepEd/Fund for Assistance to Private Education, Sacred Heart Center, Cebu City, May 17-21, 2004
· “Seminar for Secondary Teachers Held at DECS Ecotech Center/Faculty Development Seminar,” University of the Visayas Main Campus, Cebu City
· “Secondary Faculty Development Seminar for UV Main and Satellite Schools,” University of the Visayas Main Campus, Cebu City
· “Introduction to Computer Operations,” Kirky Computer Center, Poblacion Ward I, Minglanilla, Cebu, April 1, 2001
· “Introduction to Computer Operations,” Kirky Computer Center, Poblacion Ward I, Minglanilla, Cebu, May 8, 2000
· “Seminar-Workshop on Integration of Peace, Environmental Protection and Global Values in the Profession,”
· “Goat and Sheep Production Seminar,” Department of Agriculture 7 Conference Hall, M. Velez Street, Cebu City, February 16, 1994
· “Seminar on Swine Production,” Department of Agriculture 7 Conference Hall, M. Velez Street, Cebu City, February 15, 1994
· “Seminar on Poultry Production,” Department of Agriculture 7 Conference Hall, M. Velez Street, Cebu City, February 14, 1994
· “Training Course/Practicum on Agronomy,” Department of Agriculture, Visayas Experiment Station Complex, Sta. Barbara, Iloilo
· “Regional Work Conference, Held at Talisay, School of Fisheries, Talisay, Negros Occidental, October 3-5, 1989
Professional Achievements/Academic and Non-Academic Distinctions/Recognition/Participation
Other information regarding Dr. Adolfo’s professional achievements, etc. are as follows:
1. Adviser/Consultant, The Access School Paper, Minglanilla National Science High School,
Minglanilla, Cebu, 2005-2007
2. Adviser, English (Language and Literature) Club, Minglanilla National Science High School, Minglanilla, Cebu, 2005-2007
3. Participant/Coach, Division of Cebu Schools Press Conference, Liloan Central School, Liloan, Cebu, November 15-17, 2007
4. Participant/School Paper Adviser, Conference for Elementary and Secondary School Paper Advisers, Applied Nutrition Center, Banilad, Cebu, October 9, 2007
5. Resource Speaker, In-Service Training Program for Teachers on “Developing Higher Order Thinking Skills in English,” Division of Cebu City, San Nicolas District, October 22, 2007
6. Participant/SSG Adviser, Central Visayas Supreme Student Government Leadership Camp (CV-SSGLC), Foundation University, Dumaguete City, December 1-4, 2006
7. Facilitator/Speaker, School-based Training Program (Districts I and II), Minglanilla National Science High School, Minglanilla, Cebu, June 1-3, 2006
8. Consultant, Supreme Student Council (SSC), University of the Visayas-Minglanilla Campus, Minglanilla, Cebu, 2003-2005
9. Adviser, The Visayanian Press Corps (Writer’s Club), University of the Visayas-Minglanilla Campus, Minglanilla, Cebu, 2000-2005
10. Organizer, Musical Variety Show, University of the Visayas-Minglanilla Campus, Minglanilla, Cebu, 2000-2005
11. Sports Facilitator/Coordinator, University of the Visayas-Minglanilla Campus, Minglanilla, Cebu, 2000-2002
12. English Dramatic Guild/Theatre Arts Organizer, University of the Visayas-Minglanilla Campus, Minglanilla, Cebu, 2000-2005
13. Resource Speaker on Campus Journalism, held at Tubod National High School for its newly-installed school organ “The Golden Spring,” Tubod, Minglanilla, Cebu
14. Adviser/Executive Editor/Editorial Consultant, The Satellite School Paper, Official Student Publication of University of the Visayas-Minglanilla Campus, 2000-2005
15. INSET Speaker/Trainer, In-Service Training Program of DepEd-Cebu Province for Public Secondary School Teachers, Municipality of Minglanilla, Districts I and II, 2006-2007
16. Coach, Inter-High School Spelling Contest, Southwestern University, Cebu City, October 7, 2006
17. Coach, General Information Quiz, Southwestern University, Cebu City, Nov. 25, 2006
18. Coach, First Placer in Feature Writing (Secondary English) during the Division of Cebu Schools Press Conference at Naga National High School and Naga I Central School, Naga, Cebu, November 13-15, 2006
19. Coach, Regional Schools Press Conference (Region VII) held at the Bohol Cultural Center, City of Tagbilaran, November 30 – December 2, 2006
20. Participant, “A Tribute to Teachers” held at the Cebu Waterfront Hotel, Cebu City, September 10, 2005
21. Participant, “Teaching Strategies that Make a Difference” held at the University of San Jose-Recoletos, Cebu City, August 29, 1998
22. Participant, PAGE VII Summer Regional Congress on the theme “Research Designs in Various Disciplines” at the University of San Jose-Recoletos, May 19-20, 2000
23. Participant, “ICT Training – MS Office as Sponsored by Microsoft and DepEd (Partners in Learning Philippines)” held at Minglanilla National Science High School, Minglanilla, Cebu, May 22-26, 2006
24. Participant, Speech Communication Organization of the Philippines (SCOP 22nd National Annual Convention) held at the Bohol Tropics Resort, Tagbilaran, Bohol, May 25-28, 2006
25. UVMB English Department Head, University of the Visayas-Minglanilla Campus, Minglanilla, Cebu, 2000-2003
26. Participant, 2nd Visayas – Wide Student Press Convention and Education Festival (Lubas 2006) at the DepEd Ecotech Center, Sudlon, Lahug, Cebu City, March 2-5, 2006
Membership in Association/Organization
Dr. Adolfo’s memberships:
1. Member, Speech Communication Organization of the Philippines (SCOP National Annual
2. Member, Professional Regulation Commission (Board of Professional Teachers/Oath of Professionals)
3. Mass Media Officer, Minglanilla Public Secondary School Teachers Association (MPSSTA)
4. District Coordinator, Municipal Public Secondary English Teachers Association (MPSETA)
5. Unit Head, Vocational Leaders of the Philippines (VLP-Visayas)
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