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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Following School Rules and Regulations

Rules are very important to a learning institution because they regulate the conduct and behavior of the teachers and pupils who get involved in a way that is favorable and beneficial to the preschool education. The teaching and non-teaching personnel who refuse to adhere to the rules should be punished, warned, suspended or expelled.

Schools are just one of the many institutions that strictly put into actions of their laws. Students and teachers who are found or caught not abiding by the rules and regulations are to be punished objectively--the punishment depends on the weight of the wrongdoing. The most common rules in preschool school include the wearing of complete and proper uniform, prepared lesson plans, being on time for their classes, disposing of garbage properly, and many more. Students and teachers are to wear their proper uniform from head to toe, including their ID. It is their proof that they are associated with the school they are regularly attending. With proper attire, the students can gain entrance to different buildings and offices with ease. 

Wearing a uniform is a sign of identification with the preschool community. By wearing a uniform, pupils show pride and exhibit respect by dressing in a dignified manner.  The uniform also helps reduce competition in dress as a result of contemporary styles.  One of the most important aspects of education is discipline which should eventually be internalized.  Discipline is the training that develops self-control, orderliness, efficiency and character. What is basic to a discipline is respect for everybody--respect for one, and for others.

The best method is to inform pupils and teachers that the main role of a “preschool” school is to distribute handbooks that discuss the implementing guidelines, rules and regulations. Equipping oneself with school laws at the primary stage can help in regulating the teaching and non-teaching personnel conducts. 

The competitive preschool education in our area provides different moral and ethical applications for the kids and teachers. Thus, they implement code of conduct for teachers and preschoolers.

All teachers and pupils are strictly obliged to follow the general rules and regulations on the campus which serves as guidelines on the code of conduct, thus imposing, implementing and making compulsory to everyone concerned. The courses of action to take into account are as follows:

1.                           Teachers and pupils are accepted to enroll in this preschool learning institution to study. Each of you who are engaged in activities not authorized by the school authorities like joining clubs and organizations that disrupt academic work would be denied further enrollment in this school.

2.                       A person found to have violated rule no. 1 will be immediately dropped       from the roster.

Furthermore, teaching and non-teaching personnel are expected to conduct themselves with dignity and deportment at all times both on and off the campus and to uphold the moral standards of this school.  You are expected also to wear the prescribed uniform during class days except during laundry day when you are to dress appropriately. The preschool ID must be worn at all times inside the campus.

And the last question is, will my kids continue on studying in private school, despite tuition fee yearly increases? And my answer is yes because the preschool education is globally competitive nowadays in terms of quality of education.


  1. Speaking of school rules and regulations, I have this concern, students can hardly see the positive side of a school being strict in implementing its rules. tsk. tsk.

  2. In school,we have a lot of things that is important to obey these are what we call "rules and regulation".School rules and regulation is very important in school because it help the school to influence good traits to student or to have a self-discipline.But not only that it also teach students to have a good manner.

  3. As a student,I can say that we should obey School rules and regulations because it is one of our responsibility and a good way to have a self-discipline.Imagine a school without regulations it was nothing so we must obey rules because it can also help us to enhance our bad character trait of being lazy and force us to be a good and a better person in our community.

  4. School rules and regulations are made just to ensure that students are following what the school premises wants and to avoid them from being lazy.

  5. When we talk about rules and regulations it is a principle governing conduct, action and others we should follow with this because it help us to correct bad conduct or actions or means helping us in practicing self discipline.

  6. Everywhere and anywhere you go, I am so sure that you can read those big words that states' rules and regulations.In the mall, in the market, cities or even schools have their rules and regulations.

  7. Schools and regulations are very important to us especially in the school,because it is help us to correct the mistake and the bad conduct in the school.



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Important Quotes for Teachers

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. ~William Arthur Ward. The best teacher is the one who suggests rather than dogmatizes, and inspires his listener with the wish to teach himself. ~Edward Bulwer-Lytton. A teacher's purpose is not to create students in his own image, but to develop students who can create their own image. ~Author Unknown. What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches. ~Karl Menninger. Teaching should be full of ideas instead of stuffed with facts. ~Author Unknown. The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate "apparently ordinary" people to unusual effort. The tough problem is not in identifying winners: it is in making winners out of ordinary people. ~K. Patricia Cross


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