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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Des situations de communication:

Morning and Afternoon Sessions: The teacher-trainee used the principles of communicative language teaching/learning and of collaborative learning; the presenter has led a workshop-style session in which the participants were involved in exploiting the 5 macro-skills as well as integrating grammar through various activities culminating with the much presented dictation in French language.

La phonėtique:

Morning and Afternoon Sessions: The teacher-trainee participated actively on how to teach listening skills effectively using both phonology and knowledge of discourse in French language. A working knowledge of the phonology of natural connected speech, elisions and liaisons, weak forms and reductions helps students with their 'bottom-up' decoding skills. Developing student knowledge of discourse, particularly of scripts (those discourses in French that tend to follow a set pattern) helps them with their 'top-down' predictive skills. Teaching phonetics in French language, according to the French teachers, is the same as teaching phonetics in English language. There is what we call universal “international phonetic alphabet.”

Les contenus socioculturels:

Morning and Afternoon Sessions: The teacher-trainee listened well with the discussions of French teachers about their cultures, and the ways of living with the people in France. They interacted with one another as far as the cultures both in the Philippines and France are concerned.
The presenter talked also about his study on translation studies, its applications to the French language and the “bonjour, salut, cava, merci” things as the challenge for every translator/interpreter.

En classe avec Le Kiosque:

Morning and Afternoon Sessions: The teacher-trainee took part in class discussion regarding the effects of speaking activity, the attitudes and willingness to communicate. The study investigated the relationships between learners’ attitudes toward speaking activities, their willingness to communicate, and classroom speaking anxiety. Changes in these three variables were examined by administering the distinct measures to learners of the French language at the beginning and the end of the school year.

Structure d’une unitė:

Morning and Afternoon Sessions: The teacher-trainee gave insights into the importance of language and showed the interaction between language, literature and language education among the French teacher-trainees. The French teachers stressed out the active literature-teaching in the Philippines. Though it seems there is lack of forced persuasion to study French literature, and there is apprehension felt by teachers, according to them, we can achieve two things - acquisition of various language skills and appreciation of literature around the globe.


Morning and Afternoon Sessions: The teacher-trainee learned grammar in context and develop the ability to communicate accurately, appropriately and meaningfully. Contextualized grammar makes the learning of grammar (which is often considered dull) motivating. Students are able to differentiate between varieties of the language - standard and non-standard language, formal and informal, register, slang and metaphors - used in the short stories. The French teachers shared also French education using young adult literature that will help overcome the reading problem because such literature motivates students feel and talk about their experiences in relation to the texts used.

La Langue Française:

Morning and Afternoon Sessions: The teacher-trainee had collaborative learning undertaken in both sessions. Participants played and offered a rich context for developing pragmatic and sociolinguistic awareness among students. They learned that said awareness may be used to examine turn-taking, understand stated and implied meanings. Students would be able to recognize that plays differ from natural conversation significantly.

Le Kiosque guide pėdagogique salut! çava?:

Morning and Afternoon Sessions: The teacher-trainee demonstrated class-teaching based on the lesson guides as far as French salutations and greetings are concerned. He mimicked only the sounds and gestures but not allowing all the French words to translate into English. He discussed further that “Salut” is for informal greeting and “Au revoir” is for formal greeting. Students had been hammered and supplied with French vocabularies as a means of lexical stock-savvy leading to step-by-step understanding of the lessons.

Le Kiosque guide pėdagogique en classe d’activitė:

Morning and Afternoon Sessions: The teacher-trainee listened to the discussions of the French teachers about the different strategies to be used in teaching French to the basic and intermediate French classes in 3rd year and 4th year. Each participant jotted down notes on the possible activities to be utilized and done inside the classroom. We were advised to follow strictly the exercises 1-8, including grammar points. Each of us was tasked to teach grammar using a bilingual approach.

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Important Quotes for Teachers

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. ~William Arthur Ward. The best teacher is the one who suggests rather than dogmatizes, and inspires his listener with the wish to teach himself. ~Edward Bulwer-Lytton. A teacher's purpose is not to create students in his own image, but to develop students who can create their own image. ~Author Unknown. What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches. ~Karl Menninger. Teaching should be full of ideas instead of stuffed with facts. ~Author Unknown. The task of the excellent teacher is to stimulate "apparently ordinary" people to unusual effort. The tough problem is not in identifying winners: it is in making winners out of ordinary people. ~K. Patricia Cross


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